Photo courtesy of Blair Kooistra.
Late 1970s.
This site features daily historical railroad posts from the Big Bend/Columbia Plateau region of Washington state. As a personal site, this is my online filing cabinet of interesting things I've come across about railroading in the area. Thanks for stopping by! --Dan Bolyard
Photographs by John Lee; Courtesy of David Lee.
Note on John Lee here for a moment. Some of you might recall the photo I posted some years ago of the first train being christened at Odair before rolling out to Grand Coulee Dam. Miss Mary Cole was the one doing the honors. She went on to marry John Lee. These photos are courtesy of their son, David.
I mentioned yesterday I'd speak more about Fred Frick. I really don't know much more about him, but he was campaigning hard during Dwight Eisenhower's presidential train visit to Ephrata during the summer of 1952. All I can say further at this time is Mr. Frick did not win the seat he was running for.
From the "Grant County Journal."
August 26, 1949
Posting this to help chronicle the progression of grain elevator companies around here (this location is now part of Highline Grain. More on Fred Frick tomorrow.
Photo courtesy of James Belmont.
Burlington Northern & Santa Fe train No. 3, the "Pacific Zip", rushes its Chicago - Seattle container traffic past the Great Northern depot at Quincy, Washington the afternoon of Sept. 13, 1996.